40 Days of JOY - 🙌🙌 Day 4 🙌🙌

40 Days of Joy - 🙌Day 4🙌

I actually started this days verse thinking it would be Phil 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord always"
But as I started meditating on that simple verse - I realized

 "Rejoice" is a choice!

And as I poured over Scripture after Scripture where either 
the Lord declared that we "shall rejoice"  
where it started off "Because we rejoiced . .  "
I realized the impact of
our side
 of the joy deal.

This verse that I actually chose comes from a desperate economic and emotional time in Habakkuk's life - and he chooses to Rejoice in God - and not focus on the hardships - not to ignore the hardships -
 but to invoke the power of God's joy in the middle of that.

If God commands it - we have the ability to do it !

Even in tough times you can always Rejoice in God's goodness.

"Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will take Joy in the God of my Salvation."  Habakkuk 3:18


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